शैक्षिक उन्नयन में यूजीसी, विश्वविद्यालय या महाविद्यालयों का योगदान
ISBN: 978-93-93166-32-6
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Role of Higher Education in Social Progression

 Dr. Kavita Singh
Associate Professor
Dept. of English
Raja Mohan Girls P. G. College
 Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India 

Chapter ID: 17205
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Higher Education, also referred to as Further Education, is a cherished object to foster human intellect and is considered an effective tool to develop capability of action, coordination of thought and creativity of mind. It is an important human resource that a modern society is encouraged to promote to meet its objective ends.

Today the world economy is experiencing an unprecedented change. Now developments in science and technology, media revolution, the trend of internalization and the ever expanding competitive environment are revolutionalizing the higher education scenario. A paradigme change is under way and this poses many new challenges to the established education system and practices. The challenge is to produce skilled man-power with adequate knowledge and skill to effectively confront the existing social and economic realities of today. An unprecendented nine-fold increase in higher and technical education against the allocation during the 10th Five-year-plan shows the commitment of the government to bring in substantial change in the higher education system commensurate with the objective of inclusive growth and quality. It reflects the importance that higher education has gained in the changing scenario of the country in which education is being considered as the most powerful weapon to build up a competitive society in correspondence with the existing global knowledge economy. But such an endeavour has given way to certain realities which are to be settled and solved to give higher education in our country a desirable dimension and direction.

Education constitutes the backbone of a country as it produces the human force which place the most determining role in the advancement of a nation and also in the progress of a civilization. No nation could establish its dominance in world history by virtue of its sheer military might or economic affluence. The march of a nation towards glory is carried forward by the competent human resource that a strong education system prepares. Education is one that provides thrust in getting ahead and building up a powerful democratic society. The success, whether of an individual or of a nation, is laid in the foundation of education. The irony is that while India's strength lies in education,particularly in higher education in the emerging global knowledge economy, Indian's main hurdle in achieving development also lies in education, as the quality of education remains poor for the majority of the population. Thus, it is high time when India recognizes the importance of reforms in higher education which is the key to realization of the vision of an inclusive society and vibrant democracy.

Higher education builds up a higher standard of emotional maturity and sensitivity in the learner to enable him to cope with all adversities and even disasters with poise, composure, courage and equanimity. Such sensitized young people would prove to be effective social entrepreneurs. A very significant contribution that higher education makes to the mental make up of the learner is the building up of a rich reservoir of fertile imagination, insightful innovativeness and adundant creativity. Thus, the role of higher education in social progression is a matter of immense importance.

Higher education makes us aware about social issues and it also enables us to handle social issues discretely. It provides us strength to handle the problems of society. We can see the difference between a society where highly educated people reside and a society where uneducated or low educated people live. Higher education gives us a perception to see the things as they are without being biased. For example, in matter of dowry, highly educated persons are not in favour of dowry. Contrarily they criticize this evil of society and try to remove it by sensitizing people and telling them that the girl is the richest gift in itself. When people were not getting higher education, there were too much restrictions for women in society. They were not given equal rights at homes as well as in the society. But now with the increase of higher education women are being given full freedom like men. They have become capable of taking decisions and their decisions are accepted in the family as well as in the society.

With advancement of higher education disparity between boys and girls has diminished. Now educated parents treat their girl child as affectionately as their boys. So we are  noticing so many positive changes in society which are brought by higher education. It is making the society financially strong as after getting higher education people are becoming able to establish themselves in various fields.

Higher education strengthens and modifies the society by changing people's mind-set about social evils like cast-system. Educated people do not follow discriminating practices between high and low caste. They treat everyone equally. So many campaigns are being runned at the level of higher education to remove such evils from society. It also helps in controlling population, people are being made aware of the consequences of over population through higher education. Women's position in society has also improved through higher education. Now they are getting better opportunities for their progress and prosperity. Women have become financially independent and now they are playing very important role in making their family and society strong.

Higher education has removed so many superstitions from our society. Now people have become progressive and are thinking scientifically, so they have rejected so many orthoxical beliefs which were pulling our society back. Through higher education people are sensitized about elderly people and their problems. Now they are taking good care of their elders. So many NGOs are working for the betterment of old people. Thus it has bought a positive change in the society.