P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.  UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.- XI , ISSUE- IV October  - 2022
E: ISSN No. 2349-9443 Asian Resonance
Intelligence and Self-concept of Bodo and Mising Tribe Secondary School Learners of Assam
Paper Id :  16655   Submission Date :  03/10/2022   Acceptance Date :  21/10/2022   Publication Date :  25/10/2022
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Balin Hazarika
Research Scholar
Rajiv Gandhi Central University
Itanagar ,Arunachal Pradesh, India
P. K. Acharya
Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar
Arunachal Pradesh
Abstract Intelligence and Self-concept are two important factors that determine personality and success in life. Human being is endowed certain cognitive abilities, through which he or she can discriminate, understand, face a new situation and solved problems. This ability is called intelligence. The self-concept refers to the totality of a complex, organized and dynamic system of learned beliefs, attitude and opinions that each person holds to be true about his or her personal existence. Intelligence and Self-concept are the functional aspects of one’s personality and greatly influenced by education. The present paper studies the status of intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising Tribe of Assam. The study based on Four Hundred (400) 10th grade students of Bodo and Mising tribe of lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. The main objective of the study is to investigate the intelligence and self-concept of 10th grade student of Bodo and Mising tribe of lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. The main finding of the study is the intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe of Assam are above average level.
Keywords Intelligence, Self-concept, Bodo, Mising , Status etc.
The word “intelligence” derived from Latin word Intelligentia or intellectus which means to comprehend or perceive. From the origin of the word, intelligence refers to the ability of comprehend or perceive. According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia Deluxe (2004) “intelligence is a term usually referring to a general mental capability to reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn and understand new material and profit from past experience. It draws on a variety of mental process, including memory, learning, perception, decision-making, thinking and reasoning.” Mackintosh(1998.200) claims that “intelligence is not just the sum of what people have been taught but also reflects how efficiently learn from their experience, and many of the environmental factors that affect IQ, such as health, nutrition, schooling, parental interaction are sorts of factors we should expect to influence a growing child’s cognitive or intellectual development.” The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2000) define intelligence as “the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things, the ability to do this well.” Fagam, 1992, Fagam & Haiken-Vasen, 1997 is said that intelligence is processing and that processing can be measured by performance on certain elementary cognitive tasks. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia 2004 considered intelligence is a mental process although in my opinion it is rather a group of interconnected processes it includes following processes perception, introspection, memory, creativity, imagination, conception, belief, reasoning, generalization, analogy, association, volition and emotion. Self-concept is the opinion of an individual about the kind of person he/ she perceives himself/herself to be. According to Rogers (1942) “self-concept lays at the very core of the personality and gives constituency to his/her behavior as an individual”. Raimy (1948) defines “the self as “the complex organization made up of many perceptions of greater or lesser degree of importance to the individual and defining his relationship to the world as he sees it.” Self –concept is broadly defined as the image or perceptions that students hold about them (Harter, 1989, Hoge and Renzulli, 1993). It includes attitudes, feelings and knowledge about abilities, skills appearance and social acceptability (Byrne, 1984).
Aim of study 1. To investigate the intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. 2. To compare intelligence among 10th grade secondary school learners of Bodo and Mising tribe of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. 3. To compare self-concept among 10th grade secondary school learners of Bodo and Mising tribe of lakhmipur and Dhemaji district of Assam. 4. To investigate the relationship among intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Review of Literature

Intelligence and self-concept are two importance factors of individuals to success in life. The present study tries to investigate these two factors of Bodo and Mising tribe of Assam. They are, to what extent does the fact of belonging to these ethnic groups, in this case, to what extent intelligence is related to self-concept and self-concept related to intelligence.  Are the two ethnic groups Bodo and Mising differ in intelligence and self-concept? The present study is important one to visualize such types of facts, and interpret and provide conclusion on them.  Likewise, some studies had conducted by the former Researchers in relation to variables like Intelligence and Academic Achievement (Migual, A. 1971, Yolika, T. 2014, Azimmudin S. 2013 and Sngeetha, T.2017). The studies revealed that “there is a significant difference in intelligence and academic achievement of the students in terms of Gender, Locality and School management.” Another some related studies of self-concept and academic achievement had conducted by Mucherah W, Felicia, Heatley K (2010), Gupta R. (2014), Kumari A. Rehana (2013) and Biswas (2016). These studies also revealed that “There is a positive correlation between self-concept and academic achievement and also revealed that there is a significant difference between Girls and Boys on Self- concept building. In the same area, some studies were conducted in relation to variables like impact of ethnicity on intelligence, self-concept and academic achievement by various researchers like Aleto L. (2011), Santana E. (1994), Baruah P. (2016), Hatibarua, B. (2017). These studies revealed that “there is a significance impact of ethnicity on intelligence, self-concept and academic achievement of the students of different Ethnic Groups”.

Design of the study- Taking into the consideration of the above objective, the investigator has followed the descriptive cum survey method of educational research to find out the status of intelligence and self-concept and the relationship present with the two variables between Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. Population The target population for this selected problematic research area consists of government and private managed Secondary schools of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. Apart from taking the secondary students of government and private schools, the researcher conducted study on specific major ethnic group’s 10th grade learners of Bodo and Mising tribe of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.

For the piece of present study the researcher selected 20 numbers of government and 20 numbers of private schools as sample from Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. 


Objective no 1To investigate the status of the intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe of Assam
Summary Table no 1: Indicating the Intelligence and Self-concept Mean and SD of Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. 
























From the above table no 1 it is found that the Mean and SD of Intelligence and Self-concept of 10th grade Bodo and Mising secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam are 92.27 Mean value and 7.38 SD value of Intelligence, and 154.12 Mean value and 12.63 SD value of Self-concept of Lakhimpur and 92.17 Mean value and 7.20 SD value of Intelligence, and 154.17 Mean value and 12.29 SD value of Self-concept of Dhemaji. The Mean and SD value of Intelligence and Self-concept shows that both the value above average (80 to 120) and (120 to 140). That reveals that both the tribe Bodo and Mising of Assam are in good position in Intelligence and Self-concept.
Objective no. 2-To compare intelligence among 10th grade secondary school learners of Bodo and Mising tribe of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Hypothesis no 1.
 (H0)  There exist no significant difference in the intelligence of 10th grade Bodo and Mising secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Summary Table no. 2: Indicating the Intelligence Mean, SD, and “t” value of Bodo and Mising 10th grade Secondary learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.

Score in Intelligence

Ethnic Groups






Criterion ‘t’ value


P value









Not Significant at 0.05 level (p>.05)





The above table no.2 tested the hypothesis no.2 on the basis of t-score where the mean of intelligence of Bodo and Mising 10th grade learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji District of Assam are 92.41 and 92.37 and the standard deviation 7.58 and 7.61 respectively. From the above able no. 2 the computed “t” value came out to be 0.05 which is smaller than the criterion “t” value 2.33 at 0.05 level of significance with df 398. As the calculated “t” value is smaller than the critical “t” ratio therefore the formulated null hypothesis There does not exist any significant difference in the Intelligence of 10th grade Bodo and Mising Secondary School Learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam” gets accepted and stated as not significant. From the interpretation it is indicated that in true sense there is no significance. But looking into the Mean intelligence score of Bodo and Mising (92.41 and 92.37) it is assume that Bodo 10th grade students were having better position in self-concept in comparison to Bodo 10th grade students .The findings may be due to difference in cultural, hereditary factors and environment.
Objective no 3To compare self-concept among 10th grade secondary school learners of Bodo and Mising tribe of lakhmipur and Dhemaji district of Assam
Hypothesis no. 2-
 (H0) There exist no significance difference in the self-concept of 10th grade Bodo and Mising secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam
Summary Table no. 3: Indicating the Self-concept Mean, SD and “t” value of Bodo and Mising 10th Grade Secondary School Learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam

Score in Self-concept

Ethnic Groups






Criterion ‘t’ value


P value









Not Significant at 0.05 level (p>.05)





The above table no.3  reveals “t” value and Mean score of self-concept of Bodo and Mising 10th grade learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji District of Assam are 154.29 and 152.10 and the standard deviation 12.92 and 12.00 respectively. From the above able no. 2 the computed “t” value came out to be 0.05 which is smaller than the criterion “t” value 2.34 at 0.05 level of significance with df 398. As the calculated “t” value is smaller than the critical “t” ratio therefore the formulated null hypothesis There does not exist any significant difference in the self-concept of 10th grade Bodo and Mising Secondary School Learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam” gets accepted and stated as not significant. From the interpretation, it is indicated that in true sense there is no significance in self-concept between Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. But looking into the Mean self-concept scores of Bodo and Mising (154.29 and 152.10) it is assumed that Bodo 10th grade students were having slightly higher intelligence in comparison to Bodo 10th grade students .The findings may be due to difference in culture, hereditary factors and environment and so on.
Objective no 4To investigate the relationship among intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Hypothesis no 3
- (H0) There is no relationship existing in intelligence and self-concept of 10th grade secondary learners of Bodo and Mising of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Summary table no. 4: Indicating the intelligence and self-concept of the Bodo and Mising tribe 10th grade learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji in terms of t score




(Z1, Z2)



Critical t value








P,1.97 at 0.05 level of Significant.

Not significant




An examination of table number 4 depicts the relationship existing in Intelligence and Self-concept of 10th grade Bodo and Mising secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. From the analysis it is found that the table “t” value for the difference in relationship between the 10th grade Bodo and Mising 10th grade learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam in terms of intelligence and self-concept came out to be 1.3 which is smaller than the criterion “t” ratio 1.97 at 0.05 level of significant with df 397. Since the computed “t” value is smaller than the critical “t” value. Therefore the stated null hypothesis “There is no relationship existing in intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam” gets accepted and declared as not significant. In this contrast the finding concluded that both Mising and Bodo 10th grade secondary school students do not have difference in the relationship of Intelligence and self-concept according to the correlation value. But analyzing the Fitsher’s “Z” value the Bodo and Mising 10th grade students of Lakhimpur district have better correlation between intelligence and self-concept in comparison to the Bodo and Mising 10th grade students of Dhemaji district of Assam.

Findings The major findings of the study were- 1. The level of intelligence and self-concept of the Bodo and Mising tribe of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam is above average. By looking into the Mean value the status of intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising is satisfactory. 2. The study also found that there is no significant difference in the intelligence among the ethnic groups of Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji of Assam. Thus, the researcher concluded that, it is an general analyzing the finding of having equal intelligence. 3. The study also revealed that there is no significant difference found in self-concept in response to ethnic Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. It is indicted that Bodo and Mising 10th grade secondary school learners are not differ significantly. Although the Bodo tribe 10th grade secondary learners has higher self-concept than Mising tribe 10th grade secondary learners of Assam but that is not significance. The findings may be due to difference in culture, hereditary factors and environment. 4. The study found that there is no relationship between intelligence and self-concept in relation to ethnic groups Bodo and Mising between Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam.
Conclusion From the above analysis and findings the following conclusions set forth The present study “Intelligence and Self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe secondary school learners of Assam” tried to investigate the status of intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe 10th grade secondary school learners of Lakhimpur and dhemai district of Assam and also studied the relationship of intelligence and self-concept of Bodo and Mising tribe 10th grade secondary school learners in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. As far as intelligence is concerned no significance difference is found in intelligence between Bodo and Mising. Intelligence is an intellectual ability both Bodo and Mising perceive it individual level. We cannot say Bodo are more intelligence than Mising vice versa. In the aspect of self-concept Bodo and Mising both are above average. The test results revealed that both Bodo and Mising not differ significantly. Finally it can be said that ethnically Bodo and Mising tribes are different in aspect of Intelligence and Self-concept but they do not differ significantly. Little variance is found among them but it is not significant. So we cannot say one ethnic group is intelligence and others are not. That may conclude that these happen due to difference in cultural nature, hereditary factors and environment.
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